A strange gift indeed: My life beyond breast cancer...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Special Population Massage...then Sneezing...Coughing...ugh...

Well, this morning I got up to head over to Cortiva Institute for my Special Populations massage session. I had been unable to get a doctor's note in time, but they decided they would be nice and work on me (but only very very lightly). This time was fine...the young woman did a nice job! I felt good and relaxed afterward...even sleepy--went home for a nap!!!

Ugh, I woke up from my nap thinking I was going to cook up some meals for the week for Becky and me...and then I started sneezing and coughing. It started to get worse so fast, that I realized within a couple of hours I might just have bronchitis!! Shit! Like I need this crap right now!

I absolutely hate being sick...and if I don't feel better tomorrow, I will have to call the docs...too bad it will be Sunday...sheesh.

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