A strange gift indeed: My life beyond breast cancer...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Chemo part 5 of 6--Just one more to go!!!

Well, yesterday I had my 5th of 6 chemotherapy sessions over in Tampa. I slept horribly the night before--my nerves were just through the roof. I think I was worried about having the side effects I had from the last chemo. Hmmm...

My appointment was at 9:30AM, and my friend Judith was able to come sit with me during the appointment and treatment. Judith rocks!!! My weight was a bit higher than I had anticipated; however, the stupid steroids are still making me retain so much water in my midsection--I was not too surprised.

The nurse drew blood from my chemo port again...but she had some trouble this morning, and she missed the port at first. That was not pleasant AT ALL. Not recommended. Makes you a wee bit nauseous--dizzy, and yeah, I thought seriously about taking a quick nap! I didn't (thank goodness), and she was able to get the needle in properly on the second attempt. Youch!

Met with the doctor's assistant "Nellie" today. I like her...she does a very thorough physical exam (hands on, asks lots of questions, etc.) We decided to do ANOTHER course of antibiotics because I still am coughing a bit from the cold I got last month (hey, I like to hang on to things sometimes!!!) We also decided that because I had such a rough time with the side effects last time, I would come back on Friday (today) to get some extra fluids and extra anti-nausea meds via IV. I am happy with this.

The chemo administration itself went okay, although I did get a bit nauseous at first (probably mental...) It lasted a bit longer than it had in the past...I was there for about 5 hours...Judith dutifully sat next to me and watched me nap most of the time. It was very nice to have her there...I felt relaxed enough to sleep this time, and last time I did not. Trust me, it is just better to have a buddy with you!!! During the last little while, while I was getting the Herceptin, I felt a bit woosy--but it went away within a minute or two. Again, I felt fine enough to drive after I got up and walked around for a bit. Made it home with no problem!

I did run into my friend Nancy at the office. She is almost done with radiation and is still receiving the Herceptin treatments every 3 weeks (like I will be). Her hair is coming back in very thick! Looks adorable...nice to see her looking smiley and happy.

Last night was just fine...I was very hungry and ate small amounts of food throughout the night. Lots of fluids too! This kinda sucked considering the master bathroom toilet was not functioning...so I had to trek over to the guest bathroom A LOT! Oh well, getting the toilet fixed right now...then I will get ready for round 2 of the doc's visit!

Had a bit of trouble falling asleep last night...but was finally able to. This am I am feeling hot (from the steroids), and my skin gets this lovely shade of bright red from the steroids too. We'll see how the side effects are...they have a tendency to kick in later today...although each time has been slightly different.

Well...thank you RotoRooter man, for fixing my toilet...I hope I do not have to abuse it anytime soon!

More later,


  1. congratulations on round 5, tory. i am soooo happy for you. it took a lot of courage to return after the last side effects. sigh! hope you have been able to avoid the effects of hot flashes and nasty tastes of some food. by the end only sweet things tasted normal -- ice cream was my friend. keep on taking care of you!

  2. I am so glad round 5 is behind me! Hot flashes...hell, I live with those since my hysterectomy...I think they are on a fast cycle right now (I go hot and cold constantly!) Oh well, I just have to take off my hat/beanie/beret and I cool off rather quickly right now. Food is just hit and miss with me. I look at some things and am absolutely disgusted...then I get these awful cravings for things I don't even consider food! I think salt has been my best buddy throughout this...I have craved salt more than anything else (I suppose the fast food thing may be explained by that). However, one day I like something, the next day I cannot bear to even think of it. Hmmm...none of it makes sense, does it?
    Ice cream sounds very good...and cold. Cold sounds good!
    Thanks for your message! More soon!
