A strange gift indeed: My life beyond breast cancer...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Follicular Follies...

As of April 20, 2010

Mental and Physical Health

Even though I have been done with Radiation for about 12 days, I still have some ugly burns on my skin. It is healing well, but I had another area (about 2 inches long) split open and begin to drain about 5 days ago. I am able to wear my bras again...with my silly poofy pillows ;-)

I've been looking lately at getting more appropriate prosthetics--even though they seem rather goofy to me! I think I would feel more comfortable with them moving forward though. Plus, there are some that can be used for swimming, and that would make me feel much more comfortable at the beach!!!

I've been fairly depressed during the last week or so, it has been a real struggle to make myself do my usual work and other tasks. Once I start though, I can really get into things and get a lot done. That is good...

I finally got up to the gym yesterday, after a couple of weeks off. Even with the last bit of skin that opened up recently, I figured I should go--if nothing more than for the mental benefit!!! I still have about 10 extra pounds on me from chemo/steroids (well, I have a few extra pounds more than that--but this is all I can blame on chemo!) I am getting tired of carrying around the extra weight. I want back into my pre-chemo britches!!!

Slowly, I have begun to focus back on my food and calorie intake. I mostly struggle with incorporating enough veggies and fruit into my diet. I am hell-bent on correcting this!!! Vitamins: I started taking a prenatal vitamin with herbs. No real reason other than to ensure I get my hair to grow as quickly as possible (hehe)! I am still taking Evening Primrose Oil (hotflashes), Black Cohosh Herb (night sweats), and Vitamin D. The Vitamin D is due to some recent research that has shown women who develop Breast Cancer tend to have lower levels of the vitamin. Also there have been some very positive (and scientific even) research findings showing the benefits of Vitamin D.

So, I am focused on some good things: diet, exercise, work...my dog! Still need to keep working on ME and focusing on my mental health (oh well, that is a lifelong endeavor, isn't it?)

I did visit with the Psychiatrist this evening. I have not seen him since before I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. When I was thinking about all that has happened in the last 8 months, I realized how much I had been through. He continued my prescription for Cymbalta...I figure Cymbalta has helped me a lot through the past 8 months! Hell, I can be depressed enough at times without it, I cannot imagine what I would have felt like going through surgeries, radiation and chemo without it! Sheesh...I really don't want to think about that!

Well, enough rambling for now!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Finally Done with Radiation!

Well, it has been a while since I have written, but I finished Radiation on April 8th. My Radiation Therapists were so great to me...even gave me donuts to celebrate...got a cute certificate and everything! I gave them a card...they really made the whole experience a better one (it could have been even more taxing with staff who were unhappy, sullen or whatever). It was so nice to have cheerful, patient, knowledgeable folks working with me each day during the process!

Thank you Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology staff! You guys are the BEST!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Follicular Follies...

Here is where I am at as of today, February 12th!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just ONE more.....

Last night was fairly restless--Percoset helps with pain and mood, but it really jacked with the quality of my sleep. Wow...cool dreams though. Nice and bizarre!

The pain from my burns is still very much there, but when I am able to take Percoset, it helps a lot. The swelling under my arm is very slightly reduced...this apparently will take some time to go down. Ugh, I am sure my caffeine intake is not helping either the pain or the swelling for that matter.

Getting into position today for the targeted radiation treatment was a bit easier, thank goodness. The radiation therapists are such good folks--even saved me a doughnut from their lunch! Yummy Krispy Kreme doughnut!

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I am blogging for the Youth and Family Alternatives Rap River Run 5K Race. It is held in June, and I decided a while back to start training to participate. I agreed to track my progress with training for my first 5K, and I blog each Wednesday night with my weekly updates. I really couldn't contribute much this week--I have not been able to do any exercise for about a week and a half. Oh well, when the burns heal up a bit and the swelling abates, I will get back into the swing of things.

Here is a link to the Rap River Run Blog: http://www.rapriverrun5k.blogspot.com/
There you can follow my progress, along with that of other folks who are training to participate in the race. I hope that those of you who are in the area will join me at the race!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bring in the Percoset, please!

I did not sleep much last night, just could not quiet my mind or find a spot that was comfortable to my left arm or chest area. These burns are a bitch!

I decided I would ask the doc for some Percoset, as Tylenol, Advil and Vicodin have not done a damn thing for the pain (or swelling for that matter!) I could probably deal with the pain...but emotionally I have been just worn out. The pain is making me emotionally worse and vice versa.

Getting into position for my radiation treatment was a grueling experience today. Lifting my left arm above my head with cracked and burned skin...sheesh! You know, I have chatted with two other breast cancer survivors who endured radiation...and neither of them had burns like I have. Lucky ladies! Ugh, if ONLY!!!

Anyway, the doc was kind enough to prescribe some Percoset, and it is helping. If nothing else, it is helping my mood. Oh, and it does cut the pain down too.

Just 2 more...I am even beginning to cheer up with the thought of being done!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Emotional and Physical Fatigue...

Well, this last week has been a bit rough both emotionally and physically. Physically, the area that has been radiated has been very sore, achy and (last week) oozing, bleeding, etc. Now, I am just in pain from the swelling around the worst burn under my left arm. It seems to be a bit of edema, and the skin is just cooked. It is difficult to get comfortable, especially when I am trying to rest or sleep. I have not been able to sleep much at night due to the consistent pain.

Emotionally, I have struggled greatly with feelings of loneliness--probably just emotional fatigue. It is a real bitch going to get zapped every day. Anyway, I am almost done...just 3 more radiation treatments to go!

The Follicular Follies...

Here's where I am at as of today, April 5th, 2010.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Herceptin...Radiation...a bit much for one day!!!

Well, today I had a combo: Herceptin treatment in the morning and Radiation in the afternoon. Sheesh. That makes me VERY tired!!!

Bloodwork looks great, and I also received the results from my first cancer protein tests. So far, I fall within the normal range, and that means there appears to be no other cancer in my body. Mind you, the protein tests are NOT imperfect...so this cannot be used as the only indicator of being cancer-free. It is just a good sign...and I am glad to hear that.

I started my "targeted" radiation today...hopefully my skin will begin to heal in the other areas pronto!